
ISACS17 Resonant Worlds: Sound, Art and Science Exhibition

2-person exhibition

ISACS17 Resonant Worlds: Sound, Art and Science Exhibition
2017. Curators. Morten Søndergaard and Peter Weibel. Center for Art and Media, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany. Photo. Ina Čiumakova.
09/28/2017 - 09/30/2017
ISACS17 Resonant Worlds: Sound, Art and Science Exhibition

ISACS17 Resonant Worlds: Sound, Art and Science Exhibition.
September 28 - 30 2017.
Curators: Morten Søondergaard, Peter Weibel.
ZKM | Center for Art and Media.
Karlsruhe, Germany.

ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
Lorenzstraße 19, 76135, Karlsruhe, Alemania
Morten Søndergaard
Morten Søndergaard
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Luz María Sánchez

Transdisciplinary artist exploring the political sphere of violence and power relations through multimedia constructs.