
The Technological Epiphanies of Samuel Beckett: Machines of Inscription and Audiovisual Manipulation.

Book · Monograph

The Technological Epiphanies of Samuel Beckett: Machines of Inscription and Audiovisual Manipulation.

Epifanías tecnológicas: Samuel Beckett y las máquinas de inscripción y manipulación audiovisual / The Technological Epiphanies of Samuel Beckett: Machines of Inscription and Audiovisual Manipulation. (In English/Spanish.) Mexico City: Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA)/Futura Textos. ISBN: 978-607-95284-1-6. This publication won a co-investment grant from the National Fund for Culture and the Arts of the Government of Mexico.

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Luz María Sánchez

Transdisciplinary artist exploring the political sphere of violence and power relations through multimedia constructs.